Fees, Charges and Refund Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish the framework for all applicable course fees, charges and refunds Alpha College ensures it applies fees and charges to students as per the required guidelines mentioned in the policy context. Alpha College management reviews fees and charges on a regular basis.

Fees and charges are calculated and levied to students as per the current guidelines set out by Alpha College according to market research and Government guidelines.

Alpha College is entitled to charge fees for services provided to students undertaking a course of study and for other services Alpha College may provide. These charges are generally for items such as

  • tuition fees;
  • enrolment fees;
  • Additional course materials;
  • text books if students wish to purchase;
  • student services and
  • other related training and assessment services.

The transparency, governance and management of fees and charges are integral to financial transparency and ensuring students’ rights and responsibilities are fully explained and maintained.


The objective of this Policy and Procedure for course fees, charges and refunds is to ensure that:

  • Alpha College has suitable and appropriate mechanisms and framework in place to handle all fees, charges and refunds related matters and enquiries
  • Alpha College personnel know their responsibilities and obligations
  • Alpha College has all fees clearly listed on their marketing and advertising documentation and website (proposed).


This policy applies to prospective and previous students, all staff and other Alpha College stakeholders.

Terms and definitions

ASQA – Means Australian Skills Quality Authority, the national VET regulator and the RTO’s registering body

Standards- Means the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 from the VET Quality Framework which can be accessed at www.asqa.gov.au

Fees – This includes all fees, fines and charges payable as specified in the Schedule of Fees.

Schedule of Fees – Means the listing of fees and charges as determined under the Student Fees and Charges –Policy.

Refund – Is a return of fees paid due to the product not meeting the standards claimed / not fit for purpose

Student Account A student’s financial account with the RTO’s Administration systems which shows financial transactions made between the student and the RTO including; payments made by the students, fees payable by the student, any refunds made and the outstanding fees balance

General Processes

  1. Provision of pre-enrolment information –

Alpha College applies tuition fees, plus enrolment fees and charges and according to the guidelines of management.

Fees are published on RTO’s website (proposed) including service and amenities fees, and material fees, where applicable.

All fees that are to be charged to a student and the terms of a refund will be documented in the following places:

a.)     Student Brochure

b.)     RTO’s website

c.)      Student Handbook

  1. The fee schedule is updated by the CEO annually and when required, for example upon notification on changes to the fees and charges policies in Government and relevant administrative directives.
  2. The CEO will keep all relevant staff members up to date with all changes to the fees and charges policies.
  3. The CEO ensures all marketing material refer students to the RTO website regarding current fees and charges.
  4. Potential students are informed of the tuition fees, service and amenities fees, and material fees, by directing them to RTO website (proposed) and marketing material.
  • Prior to enrolment or commencement of training and assessment
  • Students are given information regarding the fees to be paid to the RTO, the payment terms and conditions (including refunds and deposits)
  • The student’s rights as a consumer, including but not limited to any statutory cooling off period, if applicable
  • Student upon request may discuss payment methods, may seek a fee waiver or scholarship.
  • The student has the option of the following payment methods: EFT, Credit Card, Cheque, cash.
  • Alpha College will not collect pre-paid fee payment of more than $1,500 from each individual learner prior to the commencement of training program. Following course commencement Alpha College may require payment of term tuition fees in advance, but only such that at any given time, the total amount required to be paid which is attributable to training services yet to be delivered does not exceed $1,500.
  1. In the case of an employer paying the enrolment fee for their staff, Industry Consultant notifies Administration staff.
    • An invoice is generated and sent to employer detailing qualification, student name and enrolment/tuition fees in detail.
  1. Once the enrolment fees are paid, the student is enrolled on the Student Management System, a receipt is generated, and a copy is sent to the student, and another copy is placed in the student file.
  2. If the potential student applies for RPL/CT, the fees and charges will be revised. Refer to the Course Credits – National Recognition, Recognition of Prior Learning & Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure.
  3. The published fee is charged once the potential student has made an informed decision to enrol.
  4. Potential students are provided with clear and detailed information in respect of fees, payments, and refunds in the Student Handbook
  5. The Student Handbook and relevant policies and procedures are available from Alpha College.
  6. To apply for a refund the student is to fill in the Fee Refund Form and submits it to Alpha College. Students can download the form from the RTO’s website (proposed). A hard copy of the form may also be obtained from Reception. Applications will be considered, and applicant advised in writing, within 20 working days of the of the application being received by the CEO.
  • The student holds the right to obtain a refund in the event of the arrangement being terminated early or if the RTO fails to provide the agreed services.
  1. The CEO assesses the application and takes decision related to the application.
  2. Management of fees paid;
  • All Fees collected in advance (i.e. prior to enrolment) will be accessible until the student is enrolled.
  • When a student applies to Alpha College for a course their enrolment application is reviewed and accepted in accordance with the Admission Policy. Once accepted, a Student Welcome Letter, Student Handbook and Invoice are sent to the applicant. These documents identify:
    • Total Course Fees
    • Enrolment Fee
    • Total fees payable to confirm the application
    • Balance of fees that are left outstanding


If any student is applying for a payment plan, the payment plan form is to be completed and submitted to the Student Support Officer. The CEO will make the final decision., The Student is to be notified of the outcome.

Continuous Improvement

A summary of all fees, charges and refund related matters and concerns will be presented as a part of the Continuous Improvement policy and procedure at the Management Meeting for review. The purpose of this is to ensure management become aware of:

  • Any general adverse trend that needs correcting
  • Common threads relating to the compliance and quality assurance.
  • Repeat issues